Service Providers Perspective on the Unique Needs of Sexually Exploited Women and Children in the Inland Empire
Author: Ruther Harrison
Publication: CSUSB ScholarWorks
Date: September 2018
The purpose of this qualitative research study was to explore and expose the needs of sexually exploited women and children. The participants were recruited from a few non-profit agencies in the Inland Empire area. This study found one of the most underlying challenge facing the participants when working with sexually exploited victims was the unavailability of resources, particularly, shortage of transitional housing for them. Another finding that featured prominently in the study was related to a need for continuous training and education for the service providers in order to stay current with trends. The study also identified the rapport building challenges faced by service providers and the risk of re-traumatization for these victims and proper types of treatment for these individuals.
This study recommends that the policymakers work with other key stakeholders to provide resources to these service providers in addition to providing a favorable environment. The collaboration should also include the law enforcement agencies and the judicial officers to protect the victims from further suffering. Furthermore, the study suggests that attention should be placed on the development of awareness campaigns and stronger voices of support and advocacy for these victims.